This Chattanooga bike trail just might be one of the most underrated bike trails in the area.
Of all the Chattanooga bike trails, this one might be my new favorite. Partly because it seems to be rarely travelled and also because it’s fun. Keep reading to learn more about what makes this Chattanooga bike trail so great.
Lookout Mountain Bike Trails
Lookout Mountain is home to numerous trails. From foot traffic only trails to also biking and horse trails, this mountain has it all. As far as bike trails go, Lookout Mountain has over 10 miles of them. The Guild and Hardy Trails (often combined as the Guild-Hardy Trail) starts at the base of the mountain and gradually climbs up using an old railway track path. Upper Truck Trail and Lower Truck Trail run along the western side of the mountain at different heights, as their names suggest.

The Chattanooga Bike Trails We Took
Of all the Chattanooga bike trails, we chose to start at the Ruby Falls Trailhead. That’s not it’s actual name but it’s what I call it because it makes the most sense. It’s actually a middle starting point on the Guild-Hardy Trail. To access the trailhead you must drive through the front entrance of Ruby Falls. At the end of the parking lot is a one way gravel road that takes you back to the main road if you turn right. Turn left to enter the trailhead parking lot which will look like the photo below.
From the parking lot, the Guild-Hardy Trail slowly takes you up the side of Lookout Mountain. It’s a gradual incline and there’s no shade for the first half mile or so. Eventually you’ll reach the forest’s edge and from here on out there’s always tree cover. We rode this up to the fork, took a right at the fork onto Upper Truck Trail, and continued on to the end. There, we turned around and headed back making the trip about nine miles total in length.
Another thing to note is the map. The map online shows the end of the bike trail being where we turned around. But at this location on the trail itself is the map (pictured above) which shows the Upper Truck trail still open for bicycle access. However, it’s noted with a black diamond as this trail goes up the mountain whereas previously the trails stayed at a relatively low elevation. I’m not sure why the discrepancy exists between these two and I did witness a mountain biker going past us and climbing up this trail. I have not yet been on this trail by bike or foot. From what I can tell it’s a steep, uphill trail that is out of my mountain biking ability.
What’s the Difficulty?
For starters, most of the trail is gravel instead of packed dirt. This makes it hard on your hands and arms if your bike is not equipped with front suspension. My bike does not have this luxury and I really wish it did for this trail.
The first couple of miles of this trail are the hardest. It’s consistently uphill at a gradual incline. The constant uphill makes it challenging. After about two miles though, the trail slowly develops a hilly pattern. Steeper uphills and downhills create the trail flow to balance each other out. However, my friend and I concluded that there’s still more uphill going out and more downhill coming back. But the downhills for both directions make this ride so much more bearable than the first section of this trail. Of course, the last two miles headed back are a gradual downhill and I was able to coast at a comfortable (to me) speed of about 15mph. With the rough terrain, this might feel too fast for some riders.
If a 9 mile round trip mountain bike ride is too much for you, I can also suggest turning this into a much shorter 3 mile round trip jaunt. From the trailhead, ride up to the fork for the Upper Truck Trail and turn around there. It’s an uphill climb but the ride back down is exhilarating.
What Is There to See?
This trail does not have any overlooks or waterfalls. If you want a bike trail with main attractions, this is not for you. But if you want a quiet, thrilling, and wooded ride, this is the Chattanooga bike trail for you.
There’s a couple spots near the trailhead where the power lines cut through and you can see the view of the valley down below. But most of the ride is covered forest. With that, there’s plenty of wildlife if you pay attention. We even saw a snake crossing the trail at one point. I took photos after it crossed so if you want to get a better look at it, watch the video.
This Chattanooga bike trail is off the beaten path which makes it an excellent place to ride. The rough gravel making up most of the trail is the only downside I can find here. And that’s not enough to deter me from recommending this entry-level mountain biking trail. My friend and I concluded that we will gladly ride this one again. The downhill reward for the uphill struggle is worth it.
Be sure to watch the YouTube video of this ride and comment down below your thoughts if you’ve ridden this trail. Or, what are some of YOUR favorite Chattanooga bike trails? I’d love to know. Until next time, enjoy exploring Chatt!