I can’t believe it’s been two years since I started this journey of Exploring Chatt. Maybe you’ve just discovered this, maybe you’ve been here since the beginning, or maybe you’re somewhere in between. No matter when you joined this journey, I want to thank you for being here. Your loyalty and support truly means so much to me. I couldn’t do any of this without you. So thank you!
Looking Back to the Beginning
It was circa spring 2019. I was feeling inspired to start something new. Something I had a great passion for that would help others. I have a love for a lot of things so narrowing down the topic for a blog was actually quite challenging. Maybe one day I’ll be able to delve into my other interests, but for now, Chattanooga is where I landed. My passion for this Scenic City and giving people directions and tips is what really allowed this idea to turn into reality.

All summer of 2019 I spent hours mulling over what to do exactly with my newly pinned down idea. How to start my blog and Instagram, and more specifically where to begin. Being the planner that I am, I love setting up things like this. The behind the scenes is where I shine and I love getting all my ducks in a row before I release something. But sometimes this is not entirely possible. Sometimes it takes a leap of faith to just go ahead and get out there in the public eye to learn what all really needs to be adjusted behind the scenes. It’s a nerve-wracking jump to say the least. You think you’ll just jump when you’re ready, but you never really are ready. Because the final touches to perfecting your creation come through the trial and error of trying it all in front of everyone. After it has been released to the world, that is when you learn what actually needs to be done through your creation.

Take the Leap
November 2019 is when I finally reached this pinnacle of realization that I needed to just take the leap. I was nervous. Very nervous. “What if this doesn’t gain traction and I’m just wasting my time?” “What if I make a big mistake and everyone sees it?” “What if I fail completely at this?” All of these fears come up right before that big jump. But as I’ve learned time and time again, after you jump, you soon soar. Right before that jump you feel like you’re gonna fall. You think you’ll just faceplant and it will be over. But after you jump, those fears subside as you realize this isn’t the case. All the planning and behind the scene work pays off. And you may start to fall initially, but soon a gust of wind will pick you up and you’ll soar. Sometimes you’ll soar higher than where you started. And other times you’ll start to get closer to the ground. No matter what happens, you just have to take the leap. You’ll never make it further than that edge if you don’t go ahead and just jump. When you take the leap you’ll make it so much further, even if you fail. So take the leap and let the wind take you where it may.

Exploring Chatt Then vs Now
Over the months, the blog has morphed and evolved, and so have I. Through this process you not only learn how to do things better for your creation, but also for yourself. As your creation grows, so do you. I’ve learned so much about myself as I’ve grown Exploring Chatt. I’ve learned strengths I didn’t know I had as well as weaknesses, and some quirks. And even though the growing pains really can be a pain, I wouldn’t go back and say I wish I had never jumped. Quite the contrary, I’m so glad I did. I can’t imagine life without this now. And life before this jump was so dull in comparison to what this has become.
So much has changed since my initial idea was born. Including things I never planned on doing or dreamed I could. For example, I never intended to start a YouTube channel with this. But March 2020 brought the idea to mind and I just went for it. It’s a lot of extra work that takes up more time than it’s really worth. But I keep at it because I enjoy sharing my Exploring Chatt experiences via video and believe it’s very beneficial to you as you look to me for tips and directions while Exploring Chatt.

I also never expected to start a podcast. And although that area is slow going at the moment, I’m sure it’ll eventually grow as I put more time into it. The podcast was born for “Behind the Business Chatt” which is something I never dreamed I would start. Out of all the things I’ve done for Exploring Chatt that are out of my comfort zone (which is most of them), this one takes the cake. Every aspect of this series makes me uncomfortable. It takes a lot for me to push myself to reach out to local business owners and ask them just to chat. But after I do, I feel so rewarded by the experience because it’s actually fun and I hope it will help their business too. I love a good win-win situation and I believe “Behind the Business Chatt” is just that.

I still have a lot to learn and I’m sure there are many instances to come where I must just take the leap. But so far on this journey, the adventure has been incredible. I can’t wait to see what else is in store just beyond that next cliff.
What about you? Is there some outrageous idea you wish to pursue? Does the thought of becoming uncomfortable bother you? No matter what’s holding you back, no matter what you’re afraid of, just set that all aside and take the leap. You’ll never know what you’re missing out on if you don’t just go ahead and jump.
To watch a video recap of my top videos from the last two years, click HERE. Until next time, enjoy taking the leap and Exploring Chatt.